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Ravens deny giving Janay Rice a “script” for press conference


I’m a former publicist. Part of my job was to prepare notes and talking points for clients. When speaking in public, nerves can take over, if you’re nervous, you might forget the points you want to make. Seems like a simple and straight forward concept, right?

Perception is everything. Janay Rice spoke to “The Today Show,” and ESPN’s Jemele Hill about the events of the last 10 months. Last February, TMZ’s released footage showing Janay’s husband, NFL running back Ray Rice, dragging her unconscious body from an Atlantic City elevator. Janay claims the Ravens organization prepared a “script” for the May press conference where she apologized. Janay admitted to being nervous, but said the words were her own.

The Ravens organization is firing back stating no “script” was provided, only talking points for Ray, not Janay.

“There has been some discussion in the media about the Ravens providing a ‘script’ or ‘suggested script’ to Janay and Ray Rice prior to a May 23 press session,” Ravens senior V.P. of public and community relations Kevin Byrne said in the release.  “After conversations with Ray about what he wanted to say, we did provide talking points to Ray for this event.  (Those talking points are attached. Preparing talking points and briefings for meetings with reporters is common in our business.)  After Ray informed the Ravens that Janay wanted also to speak at the event, I asked Ray on two different days if Ray wanted me to speak with Janay in advance of the press session.  Both times, Ray declined and said:  ‘She’s good.  She knows what she wants to say.’  At no time prior to the May 23 session did we provide talking points, a script or suggested script to Janay or speak with her about the press event.  We did not recommend or suggest to Ray or Janay that she apologize in any way.”

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