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NFL Week 4 … Jill is fading Fast

Here we are at week 4 and I have to be honest with you, I think I’m missing some of the excitement you guys feel. Or maybe it’s just smelling the crispy fall leaves of October triggers basketball memories in my mind (I’m unsure at the moment, but did I tell you preseason has started in the NBA LOL more on that tomorrow)

At any rate, I press on and so, the week that was:

– Clearly my support of the Giants is what has them at 4-0. Giants over the Kansas City Chiefs (I’m still holding on to the idea that the last quarter is the only 1 worth watching)

– My Rams… le sigh. Can we stage an intervention? Even I can see that they need to get Steven Jackson some help (and I couldn’t even watch yesterday’s game Time Warner & the NFL network please go Veggie for 2010, the fans (and me) are paying for it) but I digress. What exactly IS the problem in St. Louis? I’m trying to figure out what they need but it’s giving me a headache so I’ll just say that maybe when I actually can watch an entire game, they’ll win. 49’ers win via shut out.

– Yet again Ocho Cinco does something to enhance my football experience. Where exactly did he have the “C’mon son” sign hiding? He’s a great entertainer and he makes sure to get to the end zone so that I can personally enjoy his antics. I think his team won too!! Whaaat??? Told you I was fading fast.

– I turned from the travesty that was the Chargers and Steelers to watch ‘Curb your Enthusiasm and Entourage” I’m an HBO junkie, the switch was needed as that game was just painful to watch!

– The Jets lost to the Saints. I was good either way because both had West Coast representatives as well as USC Alumni on their team. So either way, I was good!!

– Tonight Monday Night Football is a game of revenge. Brett Farve and the Vikings face Green Bay (See I know enough to know that this is Brett’s former team so the drama will be INTENSE) think I’ll check this one out and I’ll still have time to catch Gossip Girl @ 9.

Lastly, big shout out to the NFL for their campaign around October’s Breast Cancer awareness Month. Players were outfitted in pink, cleats & gloves, some goal posts were wrapped in Pink, along with the obligatory mentions during the telecasts. Real men wear PINK! at least this past SUnday they did.

And as per my usual, the weeks Top 10 Performances as provided by

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