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Body of Work: NFL Players with The Most Intimidating Physiques

Have you ever been walking down the street on a hot summer afternoon and walked by a man in a cut-off shirt and thought to yourself, “how does a man possibly get that muscular?” Well, in the NFL, those guys would be the punters.

Every man in the league has been training to be the biggest, strongest, and fastest player since playing peewee football.
This is true for every player, but the men on this list took the idea to a whole new level. Let’s take a look at the NFL players that strike the most fear into their opponents.


LaRon Landry
Any list discussing physiques that doesn’t include LaRon Landry is plain wrong. Landry comes in at 6 feet tall and 226 pounds of pure muscle. Landry looks like something out of a horror story with forearms as big as normal men’s thighs. Although he may be the strongest man in the league, Landry’s size does not necessarily translate to production. He’s primarily been a journeyman safety throughout his career and is currently without a team. One reason for that could be his trouble for use of performance-enhancing drugs. Judging by his Instagram, it doesn’t look like that habit has changed much lately.

Last week it was announced that Landry has been suspended indefinitely from the NFL… I bet I can guess why.


Jon Beason
Beason looks like he’s more cut out for bodybuilding than he is for football. Looking at his stats since 2011, that may just be a smart career change. Nonetheless, Beason is a man that haunts the dreams of running backs. Standing 6 feet tall and weighing 232 pounds, the 30-year-old linebacker had one of the best starts to a career we’ve seen in a long time, but he just could not seem to stay healthy. On the bright side, if his NFL career is cut short, I’m sure Beason could find a career as a powerlifter.


Clay Matthews
Clay Matthews is a man amongst boys. He’s strong, fast and more talented as any other player on this list. Matthews is an astonishing 6’3”, 255 pounds and at his combine, he powered through 23 reps on the bench press at 225 pounds. Since coming into the league, Matthews has been giving quarterbacks headaches, literally and figuratively.


Rob Gronkowski
If the word meathead was in the dictionary, there would be a picture of a smiling Rob Gronkowski directly next to it. At 6’6” and 265 pounds, Gronkowski may be the most difficult man to cover in the entire league. Though he’s not intimidating in the same way as some of the other guys on this list. He strikes fear into his opponents because of what he can do on the football field.

Steve Weatherford
Remember what I said earlier about punters? Well, please don’t tell Weatherford about that. With 5% body fat and over a 400-pound bench press, he is not only stronger than any punter, but pound for pound, he is as strong as any player in the National Football League.

Strength is as much a part of the game of football as anything else. These players, however, have managed to really up their power game to levels that anyone has to stop and take notice of.

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