Browsing Tag
V. Stiviano
18 posts
Shelly Sterling Donating Cash From V.Stiviano Settlement To Charity
V.Stiviano has to return $2.6 million in gifts she received from former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.…
April 16, 2015
V. Stiviano Must Pay Former Clippers Owner Shelly Sterling $2.6 Million
Sidepieces beware, a new precedent was established in a Los Angeles court room this week. V. Stiviano, the…
April 15, 2015
Was a “Love & Hip-Hop Hollywood” cast member responsible for the Donald Sterling audio leak?
So, what do the leak of the recordings between former LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling and VH1’s Love…
October 10, 2014
Shelly Sterling tries to have V. Stiviano arrested for hanging out with Donald at home
There is an old saying, **kitty** is undefeated. Seems as if that could be applied to former Clippers…
October 2, 2014
V. Stivano Claims Donald Sterling Is Gay and She Was A Paid Beard
When you’re on your last minute of those “15 minutes of fame,” sometimes you’re willing to do anything…
August 22, 2014
V. Stivano Hints She Has A 4-Year-Old Daughter By Donald Sterling [Photo]
Take this with a grain of salt. We haven’t heard from V. Stiviano is a few weeks. Friday…
August 2, 2014
Alleged V. Stiviano Attacker Dominick Diorio Says He Slipped When He Hit Her
Dominick Diorio , a 40-year-old man from Long Island, was arraigned on Wednesday over the alleged attack of…
June 4, 2014
V. Stiviano Reportedly Attacked By 2 Men
Donald Sterling’s lady friend V. Stiviano was reportedly attacked in New York by two men. Per Radaronline, V.…
June 1, 2014