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31 posts
A groupie tale starring Nuggets center JaVale McGee
If you follow me on Twitter – and well you should be, because I am awesomeness personified –…
September 7, 2012
Overzealous female fan tries to grab Metta World Peace’s “naughty bits” [video]
Every sports fan enjoys a good groupie tale. The alleged exploits of sports’ stars and their rabid fans…
August 10, 2012
Lawyers for Nuggets Chris Andersen say explanation for charge lies with bad encounter with female fan
Denver Nuggets center Chris Anderson’s lawyer has responded to the investigation by the Douglas County Sheriff’s cybercrimes against children…
May 12, 2012
Chick wants to give her “cookies” to the last pick in the NFL draft [video]
Groupies and Gold Diggers have dreams too. Meet Brianne a New York city chick with a goal. Check…
April 25, 2012
Anderson Cooper’s syndicated talk show features “groupies” vs. athletes’ wives [video]
Anderson Cooper has a talk show seperate from his CNN gig where a range of topics are discussed.…
April 20, 2012
The top 10 athlete groupies on Twitter, 2012 edition
Complex is back again with it’s list of top Twitter groupies. I am somewhat against this list for…
February 24, 2012
Atlanta Falcons DE Ray Edwards On Dating Strippers And Spotting Groupies
The dating habits of athletes is always a fascinating topic. There are tons of theories about who they’re…
January 31, 2012
Groupies Against The Lockout [Video]
The plight of the NBA groupie has often been referenced in the NBA lockout. Dime has managed to…
November 11, 2011