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NFL Wild Card Weekend Schedule And Match Ups

The NFL postseason is here. Wildcard games kick off today. Just in case you weren’t all caught up with the who, when and where, I GOT YOU!

Saturday Jan. 7 – Cincinnati Bengals at Houston Texans 4:30pm (NBC)

So, I don’t think I care about this game. Neither team was in the race for the “golden stiletto.” Plus,  I don’t think they have any exceptional eye candy to keep my interest.  :shrug:

Sunday Jan 8 – Pittsburgh Steelers at Denver Broncos 4:30pm (CBS)

Awwww will this be the end of the run for Tim Tebow? Tebowing took over the U.S. But my gut says this will be the Broncos last game.

NFC Wild-Card Round
Saturday Jan 7 – Detroit Lions at New Orleans Saints 8:00pm (NBC)

This will be a good match up. Drew Brees has blazed his way into the history books this season (to the dismay of some) The Lions have moved past the lowly suffering of the previous seasons and I expect lots of exciting plays. Is Lance Moore healthy? I like his endzone dances too!

Sunday Jan 8 – Atlanta Falcons at New York Giants 1:00pm (FOX)

GO GIANTS!!!! I need lots of salsa dancing in my live tomorrow!

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