This week is all about love hangovers, those blues that come once the reality of your situation hits you. For example, even though the above photo was shot for ESPN The Magazine’s Movie issue, it pretty much summarizes the Bengals season at this point. Everybody is awake now and wondering how the heck they ended up HERE? Benegals are 2-8 on the season.
Michael Vick is on the cover of Sports Illustrated. He’s learned his lesson, he doesn’t want to go backwards. Winning cues everything. The Eagles killed the Giants. Eagles are 7-3 on the season.
This is a photo from last season when Brad Childress was happily picking up Brett Favre from the airport. Maybe Brett returned the favor after Brad was fired Monday. The Vikings are 3-7 on the season with lots of internal issues. Somehow though I don’t think getting rid of the coach will slow the bleeding. It will however make most in the locker room happier campers for the moment.

This is a throwback photo of my boo Rex but after all the talk in pre season about how the Jets had too many distractions and after Ines-gate, The Jets are sitting pretty at 8-2 with their eyes fully focused on Dallas (That’s where the Super Bowl is silly, nobody cares about the team right now.)
All Tom Brady and the Patriots need to be worried about at the moment is who gets new hair 1st, Tom or Justin. Other than that, the Patriots are doing what they’re known for WINNING! Tied with the Jets at 8-2 on the season for the #1 spot in the AFC East, Justin Bieber disses and the departure of Randy Moss can’t stop their Go!
I know I’m leaving out a few but this is one of the side effects of a hangover is that sometimes you just don’t care about what you can’t remember. 🙂