The Kobe Bryant farewell tour continues to make it’s way around the NBA, current NBA stars are connecting with the Lakers icon in more ways than ever before.
Sunday night the Lakers faces off against the Chicago Bulls. Derrick Rose’s son PJ was on the court for a special moment with the Black Mamba.
Pregame vibes.
— Chicago Bulls (@chicagobulls) February 21, 2016
That’s the type of photo you frame.

Meanwhile, don’t think this league-wide lovefest has softened Kobe’s heart. He’s still a quote machine; following the loss at Chicago, Kobe was asked if there was something more he could’ve done in the 00’s Lakers’ dynasty days to strength his relationship with Shaq. Many believe that Shaq and Kobe let ego get in the way of more future championships.
Kobe response was that he had to win without Shaq to keep the media from bringing it up for the rest of his career.
Kobe gave a very interesting answer when asked if there was more he could’ve done to save relationship with Shaq:
— Baxter Holmes (@BaxterHolmes) February 22, 2016