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NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Says “I Got It Wrong” [Video]


NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell addressed the media on Friday, following a week of silence as the NFL came under fire for how it’s been handling several high profile domestic violence incidents involving its players.

Goodell admitted that the NFL handled the Ray Rice situation wrong, from investigation to punishment. He also said that the committee that has been pulled together will help the league further refine its personal conduct policy to ensure that penalties are in line with the issues. He also claimed that helping the players was the goal as well.

But the presser didn’t run quite that smoothly with Goodell at times seeming defensive and still unclear on what the league’s exact plans are for the future.

Commissioner Goodell’s Q&A period also had a few awkward moments. CNN’s Rachel Nichols came at Roger with several questions regarding the league’s process and the integrity of hiring a law firm for an independent investigation that has ties to the NFL.

TMZ was also on hand. They wanted to know how they were able to get their hands on the full video with one phone call, and the NFL couldn’t.

He was also questioned as to why there were no black women appointed to the special counsel. All the incidents of domestic abuse have involved black players, and the league is 67% black. I asked that same question when the counsel was initially announced. Goodell said there were women and men of color involved on the internal side, but didn’t give their names or titles.

The reality is, a new conduct code will take time to flesh out, and then still has to be approved by DeMarcus Smith and the NFLPA. Those looking for a quick resolution will be disappointed. I also don’t want to lose track of the fact that the numbers for NFL players involved in domestic incidents is lower than the national average. The men responsible are the ones who need to be taking the blame. Not the rest of the NFL players, and even though he’s used questionable judgement, not Commissioner Goodell either.


video via NBCSports

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