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NBA Players Ready To Accept Owners 50-50 Offer?

Both sides of this NBA lockout are begining to show signs of internal conflict. Now comes word via Fox Sports that at least seven NBA players they’ve talked to want to take the 50-50 split to a vote and get the season started before they start to feel those missing checks.

Every one of the seven NBA players who I contacted over the past two days has made two things clear: The players want to play ball, and they’re willing to take a 50-50 split of basketball-related income (BRI) to make it happen. Mostly, they seem ready to vote on the issue and avoid missing paychecks. I connected with the players this week, either via phone conversation or text. While they represent a small percentage of the union, four claimed they know of other members who share their desire to end the lockout.

A few players have brought their desire to end the lockout to Twitter. Both Celtics big man, Glen “Big Baby” Davis and Houston Rockets player Terrence Williams expressed a desire to get a deal done. Terrence also indicated he had a distrust for Billy Hunter.

Damn, this is just what the owners wanted.

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