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ESPN Anchors Have Jemele Hill’s Back

In any career, it is important to have friends and peers that will unequivocally have your back. Last week, before ESPN and Jemele Hill found middle ground for an apology on tweets regarding President Donald Trump, execs allegedly tried to keep her off the air.

In the hours following White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders calling for Jemele’s job, ESPN attempted to replace her on “The SIX” with two different black ESPN anchors according to a report from

Hill’s co-host Michael Smith “refused” to go on the air without her. When asked, both Michael Eaves and Elle Duncan, declined to replace her. Hold it down ✊????


A post shared by Michael Eaves (@mrmichaeleaves) on

ESPN denied the ThinkProgress report, saying “we never asked any other anchors to do last night’s show. Period.”

Sounds good, but Michael Eaves sent this tweet on Wednesday at 4:30 PM EST.


“Man.. this day got me like…” followed by two, red angry emojis and one yellow emoji with zipper over its mouth.

The Six aired on Wednesday with Smith and Hill in their usual spots. With divine timing in place, a video profile Jemele shot with The Root dropped a few days later that touched on the idea of athletes and ESPN “sticking to sports”


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