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Slaughterhouse In The Pacific Northwest
Have you ever been to Portland, Oregon? I spent a lot of time in that city a few…
America’s favorite past time, except in the hood
Monday kicked off the 2009 baseball season. I’ll admit that I haven’t been to a pro baseball…
So we danced.
Yeah, yeah we know. We got all fly’d up for the dance. Head to toe perfection. Sweet 16…
Clipper nation or how I learned to love a loser
Anybody that knows me will tell you that while I am a HUGE Laker fan, I have…
Playmate and the Player
Andrew Bynum was at the Playboy mansion this weekend. SO… AND? Lots of athletes have passed through those…
Shaq’s Karma
Watching last night’s Blazers vs. Suns game was painful towards the end. Gentry finally conceded defeat for the…
Hostage Negotiations
This is a quote from Reggie Miller on TNT Tuesday Night about Allen Iverson, “I’ve played a lot…
She trapped me!
I watched a piece on ESPN the other day about out of wedlock children in the sports world.…