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NBA Media Day fashion faux pas – LeBron, Martell Webster & Chris Douglas-Roberts

It is officially one of my favorite times of year! NBA training camps are open, the NFL is in full swing and its FALL! Boots, sweaters and layers! Monday was media day for most teams – the exception, teams that will head overseas for preseason games. Media day is like the first day of school.

We get to see everyone’s new outfits, summer transformations and teams are filled with possibility. So let’s take a look at some of the more interesting choices for media day:

Washington Wizards’ Martell Webster has a blowout mohawk

What?? WHY???

Clippers new comer Chris Douglas-Roberts is attempting to bring back short shorts…

He said he just feels sexy in them.

And lastly, what is going on with LeBron’s vanishing and reappearing hairline?

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