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LeBron James NBA Free Agency Update


Ready for your latest Lebron James free agency update? King James is in Vegas for his basketball camp. He’s had dinner at Lavo and clubbed with DWade on Monday night. The two worked out on Tuesday, and today (Wednesday) LeBron, Pat Riley, Heat head coach Erik Spolestra and DWade are supposed to meet up.

If you’ve been keeping up with “sources” – that’s ESPN’s Chris Broussard, the cup cake baker and your Auntie’s cousin’s hair stylist – reports are that the king is down to two teams; Heat and Cavs. Alllegedly, LeBron might also be waiting for Chris Bosh to make a move. If Bosh leaves that leaves money for possibly Melo to come to the Heat.

OR, “sources” say Melo wants LeBron to come to New York, and Phil is trying to trade Amaré Stoudemire to make the numbers work. Also, allegedly Kevin Durant is helping his old teammate Derek Fishert, by letting Melo know what type of guy he is.

WHEWWWWWWWWW. You got all of that?

I just wish they would hurry up. At least in 2010, by this point we were discussing “the decision”  (the four-year-anniversary was July 8th)




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