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Lebron James: King of all Media

Lebron James has finally decided to jump into the world of twitter. Chris Paul made the announcement Tuesday morning that he finally convinced King James to join twitter. When I clicked follow (ummmm did you think I wouldn’t?) he was at 12,000 followers. Currently he’s at a little over 200,000. And with the news coming that he’ll be making a live announcement on ESPN Thursday evening at 9:00 PM EST/ 6:00 PM PST as to what team has won his services in Bron Watch 2010, the Internet went CRAZY once again with all things Lebron James.

The one hour special (talk about taking FULL advantage of the moment) will donate the proceeds from the sponsors to the Boys & Girls club (Let’s give a shout out to Nike, Powerade etc because there is no doubt in my mind that we’ll see ads from them) Last week it was also announced that his official website would be live (is it possible to imagine that Lebron didn’t have an active website before now even though at one point in time he had an endorsement with Microsoft) I guess the guys at LRMR, his marketing company are finally realizing that in order to BE a global brand, you must manage & present yourself as one.

I can’t imagine what this one hour special will be comprised of, a look back at the last 7 to 8 years? High school to now perhaps? A look at what the teams have to offer him (we already saw the Knicks pitch thanks to Forbes ) One this is for certain, the eyes of the sports world will be tuned in to BronTV on Thursday, July 8th. The aftermath is sure to change the way free agency is perceived, formulated and executed. Guess that’s why he’s the King right?? Well at least of hype, real Kings have rings. Kobe has 5…

Oh here’s LBJ’s first and only tweet, I imagine by the time he makes his announcement he’ll be well over the half million mark.

At least until people find out he DIDN’T select their team…

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