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Steelers Marcus Gilbert Gets Caught Up On Instagram With Kat Stacks


You would think after so many men have been burned from an Internet vixen “kissing and telling,” an NFL player would avoid getting quick and easy sex from her.

Nope, in fact it almost has the opposite effect, it makes the men more curious. Then after said vixen exposes athlete via Instagram, Twitter or sending an anonymous post to a popular website, said athlete is befuddle why the woman would blow him up.

Today’s example involves Pittsburgh Steelers’ offensive lineman Marcus Gilbert. According to the infamous Kat Stacks – real name Andrea Herrea, a former stripper who had hip-hop fans going crazy a few years ago with a series of videos threatening to expose the alleged bedroom secrets of  your favorite rappers – Gilbert was her ex. She posted a photo of the two to her Instagram with the caption, “Me and my NFL ex.”


Me and my NFL ex Marcus Gilbert Offensive lineman for Pittsburgh #FlashbackFriday

A photo posted by Kat Stacks ???? (@queenkatstacks) on

That didn’t sit to well with Gilbert who came through and disputed being her ex and asked her to remove the photo. Kat being who she is had a response for that.


And he had a response for that too, welcome to the block party.



On the plus side, Kat seems really happy with the attention she’s getting from this awkward moment. Remember kids, attention is a drug too.

if you’re interested in further discussion on Insta-famous women and the athletes who love them, check out my book, PostGame Pass: access into “the life” available now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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