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Two NFL GMs get tricked by pranksters into discussing free agency over the phone while being recorded

NFL-GMsSo this might be a prank for the ages. What happens when pranksters decide to phone two NFL GM’s and record their conversation right before NFL free agency kicks off??  Buffalo Bills GM Buddy Nix and Tampa Bay Bucs GM Mark Dominik are the marks, check out the details:

On Friday afternoon, Buffalo GM Buddy Nix and Tampa Bay GM Mark Dominik shot the shit for about six minutes. They talked about their impending free agents, their frustration with a new three-day negotiating window, and the major handicap of not having a franchise quarterback. They had no idea that a pair of pranksters had set the whole chat up, or that those pranksters were still on the line, listening in.

On Thursday afternoon, the pranksters called Buffalo’s publicly listed front office phone number. They claimed to be Bucs GM Mark Dominik and asked to be transferred to Buddy Nix. To their surprise, they were. Panicking, they hung up as soon as he answered.

Then Buddy Nix called them back.

And he kept calling back. Into Thursday evening, resuming again on Friday morning, Nix’s personal number kept lighting up their cell phone. They ignored it, until they came up with a plan. They would call Mark Dominik, claim to be Buddy Nix, and send the two on a phantom game of phone tag.

So they rang up the Buccaneers, but while on with Dominik’s secretary, Buddy Nix called again. It was perfect. They answered Nix’s call, then fell silent while they were patched through to Dominik. They put the call on speaker, recorded with a second cell phone, and sat back and listened to the fun.

WOW right. Somebody is in trouble but how could this have been avoided? The Bills have reportedly alerted the league and are seeking legal counsel. Cause you know, it’s illegal to record a phone call without the callers consent… Deadspin is the man! Check out a few audio excerpts.

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