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Wizards John Wall helps 5-year-old cancer patient’s dream come true


Wizards point guard John Wall is helping a five-year-old girl with cancer wish become reality. Miyah has lot her hair seven chemo treatments, and she wants nothing more than to wear one of Nicki’s pink wigs. Miyah was diagnosed with Stage 3B Burkitts Lymphoma in October 2013, and has undergone seven chemo treatments. She wants to meet rapper Nicki Minaj and wear one of her pink wings. Wall took to Twitter in attempts to get Nicki’s attention and make the Miyah’s dreams come true.

Fans I need your help to get my buddy Miyah’s wish granted. She’s a 5 year old battling cancer and her wish is to meet @NickiMinaj and get one of her pink wigs! I need your help, comment on this photo “@NickiMinaj #HelpMiyahMeetNicki #PinkWig4Miyah”! Let’s get Miyah’s one of Nicki’s pink wigs!


Nicki responded and plans to find something fit for a “pretty princess.”


I’m all for using your status to make a difference in your fans lives! Love this.

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