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VH1’s Football Wives Super Tease Video

The super tease for VH1’s Football Wives packs a punch. The 1st glaring difference between this show and Basketball Wives is the actual involvement of the husbands and boyfriends. So in addition to the cat fights (What? That’s not part of why you’re watching? :shrug: I’ll stand alone in that) we’ll also see the interaction of these families as they navigate the realities of professional sports.

My 1st impression of the cast:

  • Pilar is a Pistol!
Chanita Foster
  • Chanita IS A LOT
Amanda David
  • Amanda David is the “Kelly Pitts” of the bunch (That’s a reference to the TV show The Game. I must admit there were points I felt I was watching the new season early) She’s hardcore. I’m intrigued.

I’ll reserve my thoughts on the rest of the cast for a later date.  Take a look and let me know what you think!

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