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Top 5 Sports Movies

In sports, just about anything is possible. Things that seem farfetched or unbelievable happen on a nightly basis – just ask Cleveland Cavaliers fans. Down 3-1, no problem. Most sports movies try to capture the essence of this unpredictability, but give it structure and excitement.

Some sports movies are meant to elicit emotion, while others are meant to be ridiculous and comical. Regardless of the intention sports movies are meant to show the impact that sports can have on the lives of not only the players, but the community. The goal was to put together our Top 5 Sports movies of all time. But first, the staff of Jocks and Stiletto Jill presents their individual lists.

Here are the top 5 sports movies of all time.


  1. Coach Carter

Coach Carter is based on a Virginia team; whose coach aims to teach his kids that basketball isn’t everything. Coach Ken Carter turns a struggling undisciplined team into a state title contender, only to find out most of his team is struggling in the classroom. Carter makes the decision to lock the team out of the gym and force them to go to study hall against the wishes of parents, faculty and fans. The movie is more than a sports movie and it is about friendship, adversity and compassion.

  1. Rocky

Rocky is a movie which follows a little known boxer on his journey to fight Apollo Creed and make a name for himself and a living for his family. Rocky encapsulates the American Dream and a “fight to survive” mentality. The movies success led to five additional movies of the same name, as well a spin off called Creed, which follows Apollo’s Creed bastard son. The series is widely regarded as the most successful and popular movie series ever.

  1. Remember the Titans

This movie follows Coach Herman Boone and his struggles as a new African American football coach attempting to lead a newly integrated football team. The movie teaches an important lesson about racism while remaining a movie about football. The movie teaches not only the boys on the team, but the entire community that to be strong collectively. If you’re looking for a motivational movie, or one that will show your girlfriend your sensitive because you can cry, then look no further.

  1. Space Jam

Space Jam is so great because, let’s face it, everything Michael Jordan touches turns to gold. Space Jam is a movie that is loved by people of all ages. The movie is about the Nerdluck’s who attempt to kidnap the Looney Tunes to use as entertainment on their home planet. The Looney Tunes are forced to challenge them in basketball and enlist the help of Michael Jordan.

  1. Happy Gilmore

Any golfer that has not attempted the classic Happy Gilmore swing is missing out. Adam Sandler plays a struggling hockey player who switches to golf in an attempt to make some money to buy his grandmothers foreclosed home back. Gilmore is blessed with a 400-yard drive and soon finds himself on the PGA tour where his hilarious antics are not helping him make any friends. The movie may not be the emotional drama like the others on the list, but may be the funniest sports movies to ever come out.

– Michael Hersey

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