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Iggy Azalea Says She’ll Cut Off Nick Young’s Penis If He Cheats

All signs point to Lakers’ Nick Young and his fiancée, rapper Iggy Azalea staying together. But that doesn’t mean that Iggy is willing to forget just because she’s forgiven Young.

Iggy is promoting her new single and during a recent interview on Wild 94.1’s “Orlando & The Freakshow”  show, she was asked if she is the type to let cheating slide. You know, the “as long as he comes home to me” type.

Her answer wasn’t quite that unaffected. Iggy said she doesn’t care about “bro code” but, she will be slicing the penis in sections should it go down again.

“No, I’m not cool with it. You will have half a penis,” said Iggy. “”I already said one more video, just one more thing and you will lose a quarter of your meat.”

Iggy says Nick got a pass this time because she doesn’t know without a doubt that he dipped out on her, but if she gets real evidence snip, snip… I guess saying I went home with a chick after the club when I was 30 and she was 19 doesn’t count. :shrug:


Iggy also pointed out that she has more fans than Nick, so it shouldn’t be about what’s being offered to you…

What are your thoughts, do you think this wedding will still happen?

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