Before the Tiger Woods scandal, who knew that golfers had groupies?! Pro golfer John Daly’s 4th ex-wife Sherrie has written a memoir titled, “Teed Off: My Life as a Player’s Wife on the PGA Tour.”
Some of the details she provides of her life with the golfer are right up there with the sordid Tiger Tales. John has a history of Alcohol abuse, gambling addiction and of course, cheating.
Sherrie goes into detail about subjects such as a woman in Memphis she refers to as the “Secret of the Sixteenth Hole.” I guess she had a fondness for men who mastered their stroke at that hole on the Southwind golf course green. She would charge $300 for a blow job in the bushes… ok ::blank stare::
But the story that had me in shock was not necessarily about the groupies actions; it was how Sherrie went about dealing with one in particular:
And all Elin did was take the money and bounce… to be fair, I have to mention that Sherrie Daly was also accused of attacking John with a steak knife in 2007 (hmmmm I wonder if it was like Elin’s famous 9 iron swing on Thanksgiving) and she spent 5 months in prison on money laundering charges.
You think she’s trying to secure a spot on the Golf Wives reality show?

Yuck, ladies there has GOT to be a limit! ::giggles::