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Gilbert Arenas Says “Cutie Pies” Will Bring More Viewers To WNBA

Former NBA star Gilbert Arenas always has something controversial to say on his Instagram account. One of his latest posts discussed why the WNBA doesn’t draw a big audience. Spoiler alert, it has nothing to do with play and everything to do with aesthetics.

Gil posted this video with two scantily clad women hooping, saying THIS is what the WNBA needs for uniforms and players that don’t look like extras from the Netflix prison drama, “Orange is the new Black.”


A video posted by @gilbertpettyarenas on


NOW this is what america was hoping for when they announced the #WNBA back in 1996… not a bunch of chicks running around looking like,cast members from#orangeisthenewblack…dont get me wrong,they have few #cutiepies but theres a whole alotta #beanpies running around hahahahahaha if#skylardigginscame out like this,I dont care if she missed every layup..imma buy season tickets and I dont even know where the fuck #tulsa is hahahaha#2016newwnbaoutfitPLS and if u think this is sexist,9 times out of 10 u the ugly one and we didnt pay to come see u play anyway #donkeykong …smdh#thiswillbeawesome#soldouteverywhere


After a bit of blowback, Gil still wasn’t backing down from his words and decided to add more commentary.


Ppl act like I said some shit thats just down right sexist and rude…..str8 men are attracted to women RIGHT? Men are 80 percent of sportviewers RIGHT? So lets name a few women sports,that still attract the men viewers…#Tennis,omg they were short skirts like female..#trackandfield,shorttights and crop tops,so we can see abs “we get ass prints and stomachs,in that sport YAY”#volleyball,short tights and booties hanging out the back off their shorts “FUCK wheres my beer” #beachvollyball,fyckn swimsuits,jumping up and down WOW..#arenafootball theres nothing attractive about a women playing #FOOTBALL until they came out with the gear (no they didnt)”girls running each other over with 90 percent of their clothes removed..whos the mastermind behind this #sexist sport he or she needs a fucking statue..#UFC the manliest sport by far but they seem to attract men viewers by the million OMG it must be the tights and the crop tops and just maybeeeee a fighter gets hit so hard her sports bra falls off hahaha….ALL ABOVE SPORTS seems to understand the concept…..#Basketball has the lowest views by men BECUZ their mimicking MEN #Basketballchicks has some of the best bodies in women sports #Lesbians or #str8 we can give two shits about what they prefer in the bedroom becuz men prefer #assandtitties and last time I checked theres 20 total titties and 10 asses running around but for some odd reason were not getting it..what were getting is #tats #dreads #highsocks #baggyshorts #elbowpads..sounds like MEN attire to me..this sport will continue to be less viewed and under paid compared to other female sports #presidentLAURELRICHIE theres a reason 7 out of the top 10 highest paid women athletes come from tennis #Skirts and #ass…..if the #NBAgot rid of the thug imagine for global viewing SHOULDNT you?? I dont care if u dont like the truth becuz MEN DON’T WANNA WATCH WOMEN ACT LIKE MEN..if they came out with an all #gay man sport..I bet they will wear less clothes then the #WNBA and thats a #FACT lol NOW GIVE US WHAT WE WANT and unveil them bodies…SEXINESS RUNS THIS WORLD…if ur selling sex,MEN are buying…ive never seen a man hooker trying to pick up women on the corner

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