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Dwyane Wade has spent $10 million on legal bills for divorce


Divorce can be ugly and expensive. That’s why athletes are often told they should wait until they’re retired before they take the jump. In the case of Miami Heat star Dwyane Wde and his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches, the two were high school sweethearts who married while still in college. The divorce process has been ongoing since 2007 and there is a $5 million settlement available for Siohvaughn to sign. The couple had no prenuptial agreement.

Gossip Extra recently got the scoop on DWade’s legal bills and the cost is astronomical. It’s estimated that DWade has spent $10 million on legal fees – keep in mind he pays both his and Siohvaughn’s lawyers – and the source adds that Dwyane probably has no idea of the exact figure because the funds are autopaid from an account designated for his legal fees.

“We were at about $8 million last year, and now we’re definitely at $10 million,” said one of the lawyers, asking not to be named in the story. “He’s paying more for lawyers than what he is paying his wife for the settlement.

“It was a complicated case, but it may have become personal.”

The case which was split between Miami and Chicago – Miami taking care of the children and custody issues and Chicago on the divorce side – included several appeals, and several hundred motions. Plus at least a dozen lawyers. Remember taking care of a prenuptial agreement early on can save lots of heart ache. Nobody is getting married to get divorced, but having a plan B is never a bad thing.

But DWade doesn’t seem to broken up about the cost of freedom, the NBA star just returned from vacation with his lady love Gabrielle Union in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.


In case you were wondering, DWade’s 2012 salary with the Miami Heat was 17 million. That figure does not include his various endorsements.

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