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Dwyane Wade has filed a lawsuit in Texas against 50 unnamed Twitter And E-mail hackers.

Dwyane Wade posted a video last month while he was in Milan (or was it Paris, his fashion week activities were a blur) directed towards some unnamed individual(s) who hacked into his Twitter account. Looks as if that wasn’t the first time he was dealing with a hacker.

DWade has filed a lawsuit in Texas against 50 unnamed hackers alleging that from January 2007 – June 2011 “John Does 1-50” hacked into his twitter, Yahoo email and other social media accounts.

Per the Dallas Business Journal:

In the court case, Wade is seeking the return of all originals and copies of his business and personal records as well as unspecified actual and punitive damages and legal fees. The suit identifies the defendants accused of illicitly accessing Wade’s computers and accounts as “John Does 1-50″ because Wade doesn’t know who they are.

The hacking happened between Jan. 2007 and June 2011, and involved modifying account settings and changing account passwords, according to the suit. The hackers reviewed years worth of confidential and private information, including documents between Wade and his attorneys, communications between Wade and his ex-wife, business associates, advisers, family and friends, the complaint states. The hackers also sent sometimes vulgar and threatening emails purporting to be from Wade and used Wade’s likeness request private documents, the complaint says.

The reason the suit was filed in Texas, the owner of one of the email accounts used to access Wade’s Yahoo! account lives in Tyler, according to the complaint. There were more than 50 IP addresses associated with the hackings.

I have two theories about this suit. 1. Dwyane Wade has some idea who at least one of the hackers are. Or at the very least believes he does. almost 4 years is a long time to have that much access to someone’s online identity. 2. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if at least one of the hackers were a woman that had some sort of relationship with him.

Those are just theories. Maybe one day will have concrete answers.


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