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Cocaine Allegedly Found In Lamar Odom’s System

Lamar Odom

Lamar Odom allegedly had track marks on his arms and cocaine in his system on Tuesday when he was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel.

The 35-year-old former Lakers and Clippers star was allegedly foaming at the mouth when he was discovered in his room at the Love Ranch Vegas. Odom checked in Saturday night and had also been using an herbal viagra supplement.

Per reports, the Queens native became upset after receiving phone calls about Sunday’s episode of”Keeping Up with the Kardashians” aired. The episode featured scenes of Kim upset that Khloe was taking Odom’s calls, and accused her of being too “flirty” with her estranged husband- the two filed for divorce in 2013 but it’s not finalized. Khloe made moves to get the paper work signed this summer. There is a six-month waiting period in California before a divorce petition is completed.

The episode also showed Lamar calling Khloe last June to inform her that his childhood friend Jamie Sangouthai had died. Odom lost two friends last summer to drug-related deaths — Bobby Hayward, died of a drug overdose, while Jamie passed away from a flesh-eating infection likely obtained from dirty needles.

There is reportedly fluid in Lamar’s lungs from crack use, and signs that suggest he suffered from a lack of oxygen and possible stroke. Doctors are treating it as an overdose.

Kobe Bryant was in Las Vegas for the Lakers game at MGM last night, he left the game early to go see Lamar at the hospital. Khloe is reportedly by his side also – with cameras in tow per unconfirmed reports.

Prayers up for Lamar and his family.


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