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Chris Bosh’s lawyer threatens to sue Allison Mathis, says “You aren’t the wife”


I knew that Allison Mathis video probably wasn’t a good idea. Chris Bosh’s lawyer has sent an injuction against Mathis for releasing the video. There was also information in the letter about a bulk payment of $250,000 Bosh gave to her as well as a laundry list of lifestyle necessities (private school, health benefits and extra-curriculur activties) he provides for Trinty.

That basically means she likely mismanaged somewhere.

The letter also states the usual fare, basically calling Mathis a gold digger looking for a come up. And Bosh’s lawyer makes it clear they won’t be bullied into paying more money. Stressing that Mathis is not “the wife” and not entitled to extended generosity on Bosh’s part.

Yikes! You can read the letter in it’s entirety HERE


I told you this was war, I hope Allison is up for battle. Round one to Bosh.


curtsy to BSO

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