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Basketball Wives season 4 episode 13; Tami holds Kesha’s purse hostage [video]

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but, I’ve abandoned my Basketball Wives recaps. The show is/was without a doubt one of my guilty pleasures. But lately, the drama has felt stale. Very much rinse and repeat. This season it seemed as if the ladies of the circle (well at least certain members and their extended parts) were in overdrive to ramp up the b**ch-meter.

Episode 13 illustrates everything I think is wrong with the direction the franchise is taking. The ladies vacation in Tahiti, Tami gets a few shots in her and starts coming for Kesha.

There’s that and then… Tami demands that Kesha ASK for her purse back and is SHOCKED that Kesha would go to the extreme of reporting her purse as stolen to the hotel staff…


Is TAMI serious? How can she say another woman is operating like a child? Does she not see how grade school SHE is acting? Nothing that went down between the two was serious enough to warrant this reaction.

And perhaps it’s just me, but forcing an empty apology from someone is pointless. You’re still going to be mad.

Tami apologized for her actions on Twitter.

And that’s a start, but the behavior was deplorable. I’m going to assume Evelyn and Shaunie are a little fearful of the Tami “pop-to-the-face” as well. It took what appeared to be a considerable amount of time before they were willing to step in. Nobody felt comfortable enough to check their friend? That’s interesting.

I understand that we’re all works in progress, but wow. This was just really sad. I’m not even the type of person that believes one portrayal on a reality show shapes the entire spectrum of women or how they’re viewed. But I do believe that Tami has done herself a huge disservice by stooping to this level. There even seemed to be some regret while the ladies were in Tahiti. I just ask that she not feed the stereotype. It’s ok to not like someone. It’s ok to be upset if someone didn’t handle a situation in a manner you approve of. But at some point, that stuff is trivial and moving on is a better punishment then all of the extras. Why embarrass yourself to prove a point? But that’s just my POV.

oh and lastly, the dead fish in the room prank… WHY? These chicks play TOO MUCH! We aren’t even cordial. Don’t play with me bro.

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