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Basketball Wives Season 2 Reunion Recap

Let me start out by saying kudos to John Salley. He was a great host, he watched so he was able to interject timely and funny commentary, his background also lends an air of credibility and he’s a man so should anything have popped off, he would’ve been able to play the role of security/ring ref with ease.

On Tami:
All the ladies looked amazing, but Tami stepped on stage like “Oh, you seemed to have forgotten, I birthed this reality TV show/athlete hybrid. Let me make sure you understand Mami still got it!”

I love it, I also like that Tami is able to switch from hood to class with ease. I will say I was EXTREMELY confused as to why she broke Suzie down like a 4 year old here:

But then I was told that during the taping of the reunion, Suzie let the guy’s name slip that was the source of the “Vegas” controversy. Then it all made sense. I’ve never really been into Susie so I’m not broken up about her departure from the show. I would like her to stop apologizing though. She’s said it more than enough. I’m glad Evelyn has accepted it and moved on also

On Evelyn:

what’s the tension between Jen and Evelyn. Can’t really say it just started because there was a weird energy even at the lipgloss launch. Did Evelyn really ask for $20K per episode? All relationships experience a strain from having everything put out there.

But back to Evelyn, she definitely deserves a raise because she has twitter, message boards etc going nuts! That’s good TV. You always need a quality Mean Girl.

It’s not easy to bring new cast members on that pop and garner an audience reaction.  People moan about the lack of wives, the lack of positive role models. I don’t see anyone asking where Kimberli Russell is and why we didn’t see more about her and her husband.

And if you doubt the validity of that statement, look to Football Wives.Yeah…DULL (and I liked some of the wives but overall… YAWN)

Facts are facts people. 🙂

Eve’s face when Tami said she slept with Chad. OMG

On Eric Williams:

Eric said he was blocked from appearing at the reunion. I wonder why? It’s a month later, still no “papers” filed. Sometimes it’s best not to address things until you’re sure you’re ready (that’s for Jenn). I wish they could work it out. Eric recently said he still loves her and doesn’t want to divorce.

On Shaunie:
Shaunie, is just Shaunie. I will still refer to her as the puppet master. Aside from her moment with Gloria, she did what she was supposed to do. Hang back and make sure she had a damn good product to present to VH1 and the masses.

On Jennifer:

Jenn, Royce knew the pics were on your phone because you’re holding up the phone in the pictures… yeah

And why is everyone always telling Jenn not to speak? I’m going to ask that Jenn put at least one of these ladies in check about the lack of respect they show her.


I may be alone in this, but I don’t think Jenn leaked her own pics, she kinda doesn’t seem like the type. You never know but she seems to move a tad differently.

On Royce:

Royce is feisty as heck! But she is lucky they aren’t allowed to mention her situation with Dwight Howard (her child’s father, although Evelyn said a little). But she’s not holding back her feelings…

I like Royce, I understand they took her through a lot in season 1 but it just seemed as if she was really trying to prove something and ensure her spot for season 3.

Question though, that DM she was reading seemed longer than the 140 characters allowed on twitter. I think there was some extra icing thrown on it to make it go down sweeter. You never know but that’s just my thoughts on the situation.


Also, the bit of info about the leg to the ear? I hear you Royce! LOL I’m not a prude but if you’re throwing that out there on National TV, doesn’t that mirror some of the things that Evelyn was saying (minus the profanity?) Oh well, she left her mark.


On Gloria:

When Gloria was imitating Shaunie from the restaurant scene in Orlando, I noticed the same voice that Matt uses when he discusses the The Circle. Just a random observation. Gloria always holds her own. I respect that about her. I wonder if she’ll be apart of season 3? I’m over that whole storyline though.

Well that or She-ne-ne from Martin.

I think Tami and Evelyn hit the nail on the head when they stated all the women were messy. It just “is what it is”. Everyone will have their moments with that and if people are being honest with themselves, they can admit that it’s human nature to share information.

Interesting to note, where as at last year’s reunion all the ladies were “unified” this year it seems that most kept to themselves backstage. Guess it’s not just marriages that can buckle under the strain of reality TV.

“At the end of the day” ::giggles:: it takes a lot to lay your life open for people to make judgement of. No matter what side you fall on, you at least have to acknowledge that the women are sharing a lot for our hour of entertainment for 10 episodes.

I wonder if they mentioned the show during this little pre-game chat last night? Oh Lakers won, you know I had to throw that in.

Season 3 starts filming soon, they’re aiming for a June launch. Needless to say, I CANNOT WAIT!! My guilty pleasure and I won’t apologize for it.

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