* So Taco Bell went in search of the perfect pitchman, who did they come up with?? Charles Barkley. ::dramatic pause:: I wonder if they’re also going to make him the spokesmen for their drive thru diet. I’m all for making fast food healthier but come on, how can you call it a DIET??? Anyway, here’s one of the commercials featuring Sir Charles.
Lebron has signed a new endorsement deal with McDonalds. The 1st set of commercials feature Bron & Dwight Howard as homage to those famous Bird Jordan spots in the 90’s. Here’s your teaser;
* Eh so consider this one for the ladies, go ahead guys yell out PAUSE if you feel violated
And finally Godaddy.com managed to have one of their Super Bowl spots banned yet it was somehow leaked… viral vs. traditional I wonder what’s working better for them:
Yeah I Understand why CBS declined to air the spot.