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A Hand Written Love Letter From Baseball Legend Willie Mays From 1950

Hand written love letters from past sport’s legends seem to be popping up everywhere. A love  letter written by baseball legend Willie Mays to his girlfriend Gladys Cofield has surfaced from the 1950’s. Much like with the letter that Jordan wrote, Mays is involved in a situation where he doesn’t get the opportunity to spend much time with the young lady.

What is sweet, (or maybe it is now because times and relationships have changed) Mays is taking a little extra effort to make sure his girlfriend feels appreciated and he’s doing something that he isn’t exactly fond of and not very good at (letter writing) because he knows it’s important to her.


Guess I’m just a romantic at heart. Check out the transcript of the letter:

Willie Mays
New York Giants
Polo Grounds N.Y.

Hello Baby,

I sorry I haven’t wrote for a while. Gee the picture was a fine one. I like it very much. I think your love is the really thing now. But at first I did think you could love me after the way you did me the first time I saw u.

All the boys saw the sweet picture & gee all like it just as much as I did. I think we would have a really good time when I come there if you just be good to me. I think you know the date we be there. [Illegible] you don’t know it May (6.)

I know you think I don’t love you because I don’t write much. You see I don’t like to write much so it take me a little while to ans. (Smile)

I wont you to sent me you phone # because it was on the picture & left it a home. I going to call you the day I get there. We might get there on the 5.

I know this is not much but you can ans this letter.

With All My Love
To Gladys

Willie Mays


Awwwwwwww how Sweet was that!!!

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