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12th lawyer to represent DWade’s ex Siohvaughn Funches-Wade asks to be removed from case

I know in the ongoing battle between Dwyane Wade and his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches, the popular stance for the average female who is engaged in the topic is to side with the wife/mother.  The perception is that this is a typical story of an athlete upgrading and disregarding the woman who held him down when he had nothing.

But Siouhvaughn herself admitted that she wasn’t always an angel. Things are complicated. But, how can we ignore that Michael Haber, the 12th lawyer to represent her in these proceedings, has filed a motion with the court to be removed from the case.

Citing irreconcilable differences, Haber filed a motion asking to leave Siohvaughn Funches-Wade’s case, delaying a scheduled child custody hearing.

“Our relationship has broken down to the point that I can no longer represent Ms. Wade. Our interests are adverse to one another,” said Haber, who is representing Funches-Wade both in criminal court and the child custody case.

Funches-Wade is claiming an asthma attack is what caused the mix up father’s day weekend. But one has to wonder if the 12 lawyers were rounded up and compared notes, would the stories be similar. I sincerely hope she has someone in her corner that can help her stabilize herself.

No matter what you may believe happened during the course of their marriage, the resulting actions by Siohvaughn really fall on her. 12 lawyers, missing court dates etc. You have to pull it together, your kids need you.

Want the backstory on all of this? Go HERE

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