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Tony Parker Admits Stealing The Larry O’Brien Trophy For Selfie [Video]


Spurs guard Tony Parker became a first time father during this season’s playoff run. Parker’s fianceé, Axelle Francine gave birth to Josh on April 30th hours before game 5 against the Dallas Mavericks.

Following the Spurs clinching the title this week, Parker made sure he got a shot of his new son with the Larry O’Brien trophy.

During his appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Thursday night, Parker admitted that he stole the championship trophy so he could bring it home and snap a photo with his newborn baby.

“Actually, I stole the trophy the night of the celebration,” Parker told Kimmel while discussing the photo. “I stole it. True story. I was like, ‘I want to keep the trophy tonight.’ So I left with it and everybody was calling me like, ‘Tony did you take the trophy?’

“I’ll bring it back tomorrow. I just wanted to take a picture with Josh. I wanted to have a good memory, so I took it.”

video via Jimmy Kimmel Live

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