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NBA Investigating Jay Z’s Contact with Kentucky Wildcat Players After Sunday’s Win

How hot was it for Kentucky Wildcat players to be greeted by Jay Z after their win over the UNC Tarheels on Sunday?! The problem with this scenario is Jay is not only a rapper, he’s a partial owner of an NBA franchise and NBA team personnel aren’t allowed to have contact with college players until after they declare for the draft.  The NBA is investigating and I’m certain a fine will be the outcome.

I doubt Jay was there to get a competitive edge for the draft, it’s not like the players choose their team. Plus, if he really wanted to make use of all the tools he has at his disposal, sending Beyonce (or Rihanna) probably would hold more weight than his appearance. The Nets team slogan could really be “Where wifeys make you famous!”

Ah well, the Nets have lost 50 games so far this season. There’s still 3 more weeks left before it ends.


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