December 2nd was circled on my calendar the moment the NBA schedule was released in August. The day King James made his return to Cleveland.
Starting with the plane ride from Miami to Detroit (the Heat’s charter had some sort of issue that caused a delay in landing) to the extensive media coverage this was an EVENT. And so in celebration, my recap will be pictures and video:
Everybody was on the edge of their seats, will he or won’t he??
Cavs fans were like
That’s ok though, they had a chant sheet and were ready to hurt Lebron with Apparently the Cavs players weren’t as upset as the fans as they were laughing and joking with Lebron, he made it a point to frequent the area in front of their bench and share a few giggles. One of the Assistants however didn’t find it funny and told Lebron:
There was one lone Cav whose feelings of betrayal seemed to go deeper than basketball:

Doesn’t matter though, Lebron had support from people like Terrell Owens and Maverick Carter even sat courtside:
But honestly, none of that mattered, Lebron and the Heat came out and punched the Cavs in the mouth. Bron didn’t even have to play in the 4th quarter

Awww Moe still looks sad…
In the end, Lebron had 38 points, 8 assists and 5 boards. The Heat won by 28 and also scored a 5.0 in the ratings beating out the NFL’s Thursday night game between the Texans and the Eagles.
Although, there was a bit of post game bruhaha, Eddie House came out of locker room looking for Daniel Gibson (they had a little issue during the game that resulted in double Techs). Magloire &Arroyo had to calm him down and push him the other way. I can’t take Eddie House seriously after Rafer Alston popped him upside the head on the court. Leave the thuggery to others please.
Final stats, as reported by Cavaliers: 1 arrest. 4 ejections, 12 confiscated T-shirts and 24 confiscated signs.
Maybe the Heat have grown closer from this experience, Maybe the Cavs fans will let go. :shrug: I’m taking my Greatness Stiletto shopping, I’m spent!
Thanks to Jose3030 for the Gifs