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Kobe Bryant asks Dwight Howard if likes playing with him


This is by far the worst season for the Lakers in the Kobe Bryant era… maybe the worst season in the past few decades… Ok I probably can’t count those years after Magic retired and the team had people like Mario Bennett, but it’s bad. The players reportedly held a team meeting Wednesday morning after their shoot around and before their game against the Memphis Grizzlies.

Following that meeting, Dwight Howard admitted he had been acting immature and vowed that this was the start of a new season – again – for the Lakers.

“I have to be more,” Howard said. “I have to do more for this team. There are a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders. I have to step up and take it. It has to be me. It has to start with me. I’m a guy that has to dominate for us to win. We’re not going to win unless I dominate.”

Of course, the Lakers loss to the Grizzlies. Also happening in the meeting, Kobe admitted that he can be difficult to play with and asked Dwight point blank if he liked playing with him.

Bryant also spoke up, acknowledging he could be “hard to play with” and asking Howard if that bothered him. Howard’s answer was unclear, though he did not engage Bryant in nearly as vocal a manner as Bryant engaged him.“He didn’t go back at Kobe,” said the person who witnessed the meeting.

Le sigh. Dwight’s back, the coach, JIM BUSS. Jordan never went through anything like this.

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