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JR Smith says lack of night life in Cleveland is better for his game


JR Smith is as known for his off-court antics as he is for jacking up a shot from anywhere on the court. JR was traded from the Knicks to the LeBron James led Cleveland Cavs. The change in local has provided a boost to JR’s game because, there’s no night life in Cleveland.

Just staying consistent, and that involves staying in the gym. So for me, I got my brother here with me, so we’re in the gym every night, playing one-on-one, or whatever the case may be, as well as me getting my rest. I think this is the best situation for me, ’cause there’s nothing but basketball. There’s nothing you expect but basketball. There’s nothing, there’s no going out, there’s no late nights. There’s video games, basketball and basketball.

JR said its taking him back to his high school roots when he lived in the gym. JR even missed his prom to go to an AAU tournament.

I always made myself better by staying in the gym. When you replace that with stuff off the court, then you’re taking away from what made you who you are, or what got you to a certain point. It was kind of pulling me down in a sense, of not getting enough rest, not doing things you’re supposed to be doing, things you’re used to doing. So when you start missing those shots you’re supposed to make, especially wide-open shots, it was like, alright, what’s going on, what’s going on? Instead of looking at what it is, you’re reverting to that even more, instead of going back to the basics. So I think that’s the greatest part about being here.

JR played in Denver for years – not a place known for it’s fab night life. Only only took JR his 11th year in the league to figure out occasional night’s in and a good night’s rest is beneficial.

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