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The Fierce Five: NBA’s Top 5 Centers


  1. DeAndre Jordan

DeAndre Jordan angered a lot of fans when he teeter-tottered back and forth this offseason. Jordan also angers a lot of fans when they watch his offensive game. He scores almost strictly off of alley-oops and put back dunks. What he lacks offensively, he makes up for on the other side of the ball. He is a solid rebounder, and historically a good defender.


  1. Hassan Whiteside

Whiteside is a name that most people did not know until last year, when he had a resurgence with the Miami Heat. Whiteside is a very raw offensive talent, but is one of the best defensive big men in the league. He gives anyone coming down to the paint trouble and averages 3.9 blocks per game, for a total of 163 blocks (48 more than the next highest). This leaves Whiteside in the same category as Jordan, where right now he is a good, but not great, player.


These players are not prototypical centers. They are hybrids of the old and new way the game is played. They have given up strength and traded it for quickness. Change is not always bad though. These guys have proven to be effective and will be for years to come.

–Michael Hersey

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