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Andrew Bynum says he can “play anywhere” next season [video]

Andrew Bynum wasn’t really engaged in what would ultimately be the Lakers final game of the 2011-2012 NBA season. Early foul trouble could be the blame but in a closeout game, that’s not an excuse. 10 points and 4 rebounds… you’re an ALL-STAR Sir!

In a postgame conversation with TNT’s Craig Sager, Bynum stated that “he’s ready to play ANYWHERE next season”

“I’m not sure,” he said. “It really doesn’t matter to me. I’ll play anywhere. I think for the most part I had a pretty decent season and then an OK postseason. Obviously this last game was the worst game I’ve probably played. It sucks, obviously, we’re going fishing. My focus is next year and coming back stronger, adding things to my game.”



I didn’t view Craig’s question as open ended. In fact, it was pretty straight forward.

Le sigh… the off season is here LA.

video via IFWT

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