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Fierce Five: Five Best Teams in MLB History

When looking at a history of the MLB, one thing is certain: the New York Yankees dominated. They could arguably take over this list and be put in each spot of the Top Five. However, there are a few teams that cracked this list that could very arguably be considered the most dominant teams in MLB history.

Here are the top Five MLB teams in history:


  • The 1927 New York Yankees

With a lineup that was famously dubbed “Murderers Row,” the 1927 Yankees dominated the League in a way never before seen, and never seen again. The Yankees outscored their opponents by 376 runs and avoided completing a single close game. Led by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, the Yankees went on to win 110 out of their 154 games.


  • The 1961 New York Yankees

The 1961 season for the Yankees is one that will always be remembered, as it was the year that Roger Maris spanked 61 home runs in a single season. Along with Marris was the great Mickey Mantle, who had 54 home runs and batted .317. But this team didn’t win their 109 games just by swinging. They also had Whitey Ford who went 25-4 on his way to one of the best seasons for a pitcher.


  • The 1998 New York Yankees

On the World Series ring for this Yankees team were inscribed the words “Best Ever.” Though they are not at the top of this list, the Yankees went on to win 114 regular season games. Led by Derek Jeter and a hall of fame pitching staff, the ‘98 Yankees cruised to a World Series in which they lost only two playoff games.


  • The 1976 Cincinnati Reds

The Reds of the 70’s were dubbed “The Big Red Machine” because of the machine-like way they scored runs. The lineup, which was referred to as the ”Great Eight,” was one of the most dominant and feared lineups in baseball history. With the likes of Pete Rose, Joe Morgan, Johnny Bench and Tony Perez, the 1976 Reds went on to win the World Series after winning 102 regular season games.


  • The 1907 Chicago Cubs

The 1907 Chicago Cubs were a tough decision to put on this list, quite frankly because that era of baseball is kind of a mystery. There was less available talent and the game was played differently. Regardless, the Cubs had an unbelievable team ERA of 1.73 in a season in which they outscored their opponents by 200 runs.

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