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Rihanna Interested In Purchasing Soccer Team


Looks like Rihanna might be following in the footsteps of her mentor Jay Z, and making the jump into the world of sports ownership. The Daily Mail is reporting that Bad Gal Riri is looking to buy a UK based soccer team and also wants to build her own soccer academy in Barbados.

A source said: ‘At first we thought Rihanna’s desire to be involved with soccer on a business level would soon blow over. We figured she was still on a high from the World Cup.
‘But now it’s becoming clear she really is serious. She’s talking about setting up a football academy in her native Barbados. Then her big dream is to be involved with a UK club.”

Ri was into this summer’s world cup match, tweeting about it and heading down to Brazil to attend the final match, plus partying with the German team after they won.

Rihanna also reportedly would consider becoming involved in a team in the US. Perhaps David Beckham should recruit her as a part of his Miami team ownership group.

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