People have the tendency to blow things up to bigger than what they really are. When swimmer Lauren Perdue tweeted that she had to turn down a dinner date request from LeBron James due to curfew, people assumed it was a “date.” The reality is, it was probably more about Olympian bonding. Lauren has since deleted the tweet and added that his request and her reply were from a joking POV
Couple of things. While Olympians are stars, they are also still very much fans. This is often the first opportunity they’ve had to rub elbows with NBA stars. Also, since I’m a photo forensics expert ::giggle:: I think I spy Savannah on the left of that photo. She’s in London with King James. Nothing to see here.
Plus, let’s be for real. If the invite was a serious “DATE” invitation, I’m pretty certain a let’s-keep-this-quiet caveat would accompany the invite.