Browsing Tag
Indianapolis Colts
25 posts
Can Andrew Luck Still Achieve Greatness?
After his first few season, the Colts‘ Andrew Luck seemed destined for greatness. He was a gunslinger in…
November 20, 2016
Broncos QB Peyton Manning Denies HGH Use
Over the weekend, allegations stemming from an Al Jazeera documentary on athletes and HGH use had Denver Broncos…
December 28, 2015
Saints Mark Ingram Does Drake’s “Hotline Bling” In The Endzone
Drake is a on top right now. During Sunday’s game between the New Orleans Saints and Indianapolis Colts,…
October 26, 2015
Colts Linebacker Erik Walden’s Ex-Girlfriend Cuts Him And Breaks New Girl’s Arm With Bat
Some women can’t handle when their significant other moves on. In this week’s example of a woman scorned,…
March 20, 2015
Investigation finds Patriots game balls were underinflated
Is this spygate the sequel? The New England Patriots are in hot water for alleged shady tactics once…
January 21, 2015
Colts RB Trent Richardson to miss AFC Championship game
Looks as if running back Trent Richardson’s era is winding down in Indianapolis. Richardson missed Saturday’s walk-through in…
January 18, 2015
NFC an AFC Championship Games Schedule
It’s GAME DAY in the NFL. Are you ready? Got all your snacks, and perhaps an adult beverage…
January 18, 2015
Colts Linebacker Josh McNary placed on Commissioner’s Exempt List after being charged with rape
Colts’ special teams backup lineman Josh McNary has been charged with rape, criminal confinement, and battery. McNary has…
January 15, 2015