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Wanna-be rapper Hazel-E dishes deets on James Harden’s bedroom bully

What’s the fastest way to bring attention to you, and your fledging career? I can think of three ways that seem to have worked well in the past for some. Release nude photos – although at this point, that’s rather passe, with Instagram popping. Leak a sextape – though the last success from that seems to be Kim Kardashian, and she has the game in a strangle hold. People are still pretty pissed that she was first introduced via that tape… and lastly, dish about your sexual encounter with a famous celebrity.

Hazel-E has been trying to get “on” for a few years now. At one point she was going for valley girl pop, next she attempted to morph into a Nicki Minaj neophyte. Now, she’s decided releasing deets on the guys she’s sexed up is a surefire way to pop stardom. One of those names is OKC Thunder’s sixth-man-of-the-year, James Harden. Check out how she said he gets down in the bedroom.

 In a flirty way, she said “He goes hard” in the bedroom and added that James “Got down to work.”

Yeah, I can only imagine what that means. Good luck with that career mama!


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