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Terrell Owens; Poor, Broke & Lonely

Terrell Owens is second only to Jerry Rice in career receiving yards. Common sense says he’s a first-ballot Hall of Famer. But the end of Terrell’s career finds him broke, alone and playing football in the Indoor Football League. Certainly not things you’d associate with a Hall of Famer.

Before signing with the Allen Wrangles, T.O. was playing pick up basketball in L.A. and participating in Jamie Foxx’s recreational softball league. He said friends are slow to return calls now.

I’m in hell. I don’t have no friends,” he told GQ. ”I don’t want no friends. That’s how I feel.” 

Terrell’s money issues have been well documented. $45,000 per month in child support, $750,000 per year in various mortgages and a $2 million dollar investment in an Alabama entertainment complex that fell through AND technically was illegal. Then there was the “friend” who stole about $270,000 from him.

 “I hate myself for letting this happen,” he says. “I believed that they had my back when they said, ‘You take care of the football, and we’ll do the rest.’ And in the end, they just basically stole from me.”

As for his 4 baby’s mamas, one was a one night stand, the others casual relationships. He never seriously dated or was in a relationship with any of the women. I guess comfort and a warm bed sounded better than adding a condom to that equation. Yet he says he never thought they were “the types to do what they done in the past year.”

That makes no sense to me. He admittedly never took the time to get to know them. Probably just used them as a “rest stop” and he’s shocked that they would want their agreed upon child support? Sorry, no sympathy for him on this one. That is something he had COMPLETE control over. He’s never even met his youngest son.

I’m conflicted as to if I feel sorry for T.O. and whether I believe he brought a great deal of this on himself. Either way, it’s extremely sad. I hope current players are paying attention. This story could happen to anyone. An NFL comeback is probably not in T.O.’s future but it’s not to late for him to get back control of his life.


Photos via GQ

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