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Savannah Brinson On Lebron, Marriage, Miami and her Furniture Line

photo by Douglas Friedman

When Lebron James tweeted last month that Savannah was going to be featured in the September issue of Harper’s Bazaar,  I immediately put the issue on my radar because 1. I love fashion even if its for the home and 2. I was interested in hearing her perspective on all the craziness and how she’s handled it.

Having been with Lebron since high school, Savannah has been under a microscope as well just by the mere association of being the girlfriend of one of the world’s top NBA players. Below are a few highlights from the interview:

photo by Douglas Friedman

Her thoughts on the Move to Miami:

“Personally, Miami was not my favorite place. Vacationing there is great: You go for three days and get some sun, and it’s time to go home,” she explains. But the weather helped win her over. “When they told me it doesn’t get any colder than 50 degrees, that sold me. We get below-zero weather in Cleveland. … I can’t wait to have a sunny Christmas,” she says. “It will definitely be an adjustment, but we’ll make it. We’re not complaining.””Whatever LeBron felt was comfortable, I’m with him,” she continues. “I just love him so much. We’re soul mates.”

Apparently Savannah plans on splitting time between Cleveland and Miami. Sigh, kinda wish she would’ve kept that information to herself but it is what it is. She’s secure about her situation with Lebron, as stated above, here’s what he has to say about her

“A person like myself always needs a great sidekick and a person you can rely on no matter the circumstances. And she’s that,” he says. “She’s got my back, and I love her for that.”

Her thoughts on Marriage:

She says a wedding is not on the horizon, though she has been dreaming about that day since she was six. “I’ve definitely not put a fire under his ass,” she says. “I would never rush him to do something like that. We’re really comfortable with the way things are now. And it’s not up to me. When it happens, it happens.”We talk about it. If we do it, I want it to be forever,” she continues.

And of course my personal FAVORITE topics Fashion and SHOES:

She likes her Alexanders (McQueen and Wang) and is also a Phillip Lim fan. Shoes are her weakness, she admits, with Miu Miu and Christian Louboutin taking pride of place in her wardrobe. “I’m five foot seven and I have a tall guy [James is six foot eight], so I like a good heel,” she says. “I don’t want to look like a shrimp standing next to him.”

You can read the entire article HERE

Also check out the video

*And just for the record, Jersey dresses went out in like 2003 when Mariah wore that one to perform in at the All-Star game in Atlanta. Stylist FAILURE but Savannah is lovely! 🙂

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