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NBA players react to President Obama’s re-election & Sixers Lavoy Allen offers to console Stacy Dash

The NBA was all in on Tuesday night as America awaited the results of the Presidential election. Check out Tweets from a few of your favorite jocks on election night. Kris Humphries was punked by his cab driver into thinking Mitt Romney won, LeBron James shouts out his favorite states that supported President Obama (Florida and Ohio) and Jarrett Jack ponders what life would be like for President Obama if he was single….

My question, how was actress Stacy Dash taking the loss? In the week leading up to the election, Dash posted the photo below to let the world know she was team Romney.


I wasn’t the only one wondering about Ms. Dash’s state after the loss.  Sixers forward Lavoy Allen offered to console the “Clueless” actress…

Whatever guy. ::giggle::


photos via Stacy Dash & DNice

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