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Lakers Devin Ebanks sued for sexual assault

photo via Getty Images

Lakers Devin Ebanks isn’t having the type of season he envisioned. Since being arrested early last month on an alleged DUI, Ebanks hasn’t seen a lot of time on the floor. Now comes news that he’ll have another legal battle to deal with trying to find his spot in Mike D’Antoni’s rotation.

In September of 2011 a woman accused Ebanks of sexual assualt but the DA declined to file charges due to insuffient evidence. Now that same woman has filed a civil suit against the forward hoping to receive monetary compensation for suing Ebanks for sexual assault and battery, defamation, and intentional infliction of emotional distress per TMZ.

Here’s the twist to this story. The alleged victim and Ebanks never had sex. Check the deets from TMZ last fall:

the alleged victim told police Ebanks took her home from a nightclub on September 13, 2011 … but when she turned down his sexual advances, Ebanks “forcibly penetrated [her] vagina with his penis five to ten times.”

Cops say the woman reported the alleged incident to police later that night.

But here’s where it gets crazy — cops say the woman wanted to get Ebanks to admit to the sex, so she sent him a text message FALSELY claiming he had given her a sexually transmitted disease.

But Ebanks didn’t fall for the trap — and replied that he couldn’t have transmitted anything to her … BECAUSE THEY NEVER HAD SEX!!!

We’re told the woman also underwent a sexual assault examination, which revealed no foreign DNA anywhere on her body.

Sources close to the Lakers tell TMZ, it’s not the first time the alleged victim has made such accusations against pro ballers … and law enforcement sources confirm that’s the case.

Ebanks signed a one-year deal with the Lakers for $1.05 million last summer. Cold world.
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