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Kevin Durant Says Game Is Lying About $20K Bet; Game Responds [Video]


Uh oh, TMZ cameras caught up with Thunder all star Kevin Durant working out at the Santa Monica stairs. The crew wanted to confirm KD’s alleged bet with The Game for $20,000. Durant rebuffed the video and said Game was lying.


Well, you know Game is Mr. TMZ and was already alerted that KD called him a liar. So of course he took to Instagram to give his complete version of events. He says that KD was to give the team his signature shoe. That’s 120 kids multiplied by the almost $200 price tag for his shoe.


Now why @easymoneysniper frontin on the kids homie ?!?!?!? We clearly said….. “If I made the 3 from NBA range you’d supply the entire @froggallstars program with brand new Kevin Durant shoes”…… 120 kids, close to $200 a shoe equals about $20,000….. How am I lying ???? Just say you a sore loser & you ain’t wanna help the kids…. It ain’t that they need it cause I bought all 120 kids Lebrons out my own pocket as you can see on their Instagram.. But I thought it would be kool for them to meet you & be able to ball in your shoes especially since they look up to you & I made the shot as WE AGREED… @champagnepapi was right there, so was @jharden13 @trim_skit & @Demar_Derozan But don’t sweat it champ, we’ll still support you & I’ll go buy them myself just cause they mean that much to me….. 1 love – The Game #FroggAllstars #NikeBasketball #iGotTheKids #itsTooHardForSomePeopleToKeepIt100 #MyOldestSonsFavoritePlayer #WhyWouldILieAboutSomethingThatsForTheKids #WhatDidiHaveToGain #PeopleHeardWhatWasSaid #AintImportantTho #NoLoveLost #illTellThemTheShoesCameFromYouAnyway #TheyWontKnowTheDifference #SadThingIsTheyreYourShoesAndItWouldntveCostYouADimeToGetThemForTheKids @TMZ

Guess we’ll see them in LeBron’s shoe.


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