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Kevin Durant & Russell Westbrook get bright and sunny for game 2 postgame [photos]


It’s time for our favorite fashion game. The Thunder snatched victory from the Lakers in the last two minutes of last night’s match up – or the Lakers let it slip, depending on your POV. The series moves out to LA with the Thunder up 2-0 and Friday and Saturday back to back games.

Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant’s post games look suggest that they already had the golden cast on their mind. Bright yellow slacks and lavender (one of my Favs) pastel  sport coats. What did you think of KD, Kobe and Russell’s post game steeze.


So is it OKC vice now? I like it! Kobe doesn’t though…
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Michael Vick & fiancée Kijafa Frank to marry June 30th at The Fontainebleau

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The Assist: Clippers Nick Young likes leather vests and skinny pants [photos]

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